THANK YOU FOR A GREAT IEEE First International Workshop on
Cloud Federation Management
(Identity, Resources, and Applications)
"IEEE CFM 2014"
As part of the
7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014)
December 8-11, 2014 -- London, UK
Actual Workshop was Dec 8 (see below for Schedule and Papers)
Scope, Participants, and Objectives:
This workshop will explore the fundamental concepts, design options, and challenges for managing cloud federations. Cloud federation involves all levels of the cloud system software stack, e.g., identity, resources, and applications. Across all of these areas, though, secure federation management is a key issue, i.e., how federations are initiated, how trust is established, how policies are decided and enforced, either unilaterally or jointly, etc. Effectively addressing these issues will entail not only an enormous amount of technical work, but also an enormous amount of cultural adaptation to fully realize the benefits of cloud federation.
There is an increasing awareness that cloud federation is a fundamental capability and necessary prerequisite to enabling the kind of global "inter-cloud" that many associate with being "in the cloud". The international scientific community has long recognized the need for federation management across operational grids. In 2011, the US Government Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap identified ten high-priority requirements for cloud computing, including "Frameworks to Support Federated Community Clouds", to manage interactions and collaborations across many different government agencies. Cloud federation across international boundaries has also been recognized, most notably for the secure, on-demand sharing of data for international disaster response efforts. Cloud federation will also enable a wide range of business-to-business interactions, such as supply chain management and even feature film production. Hence, participation from across all of these sectors is expected and encouraged.
Beyond paper presentations, the objective of this workshop is to engage technology producers, consumers, and funding agencies in realizing the future of cloud federation management.
The Workshop topics included in the CFP were:
· Federated Identity Management
· Federated Resource Management
· Identity Attribute Management
· Delegation of Trust
· Trust Federations
· Broker/Proxy Approaches
· Authorization Attribute Name Space Management
· Software-Defined Networks to support Cloud Fed Management
· Big Data Management in Federated Environments
· Mobile Federated Environments
· Testbeds and Experimental Results
· Federation Standards
· Governance and Regulatory Issues
· Adoption Challenges and Strategies
Accepted Papers and Schedule Information:
The Workshop will be held on "Day One" of UCC 2014 - Monday December 8
The Location will be the "Campanula Conference Room" at the Conference Venue
We are having a merged workshop day where we are combining the
Cloud Federation Management and Network Virtualization/SDN Workshops!
* Start/End times incl Keynotes, Lunch, and Coffee are synchronized with main conference *
CFM Papers: Morning Session I - 10:50 AM - 12:00 Noon
(0) Opening Remarks/Schedule/Logistics
Workshop Organizers
(1) A Design Space Review for General Federation Management Using Keystone
Craig Lee
(2) Federated Authentication and Credential Translation in the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure
Ahmed Shiraz Memon, Jens Jensen, Aleš Černivec, Krzysztof Benedyczak, Morris Riedel
CFM Papers: Morning Session II - 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM
(3) X.509 Authentication/Authorization in FermiCloud
Hyunwoo Kim, Steven Timm
(4) A Model for Accomplishing and Managing Dynamic Cloud Federations
Marco Fargetta, Salvatore Monforte, Giuseppe Andronico, Maurizio Paone, Massimo Villari
NV/SDN Papers: Afternoon Session I - 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
(5) Automatic Configuration of Opaque Network Functions in CMS”
Serena Spinoso, Marco Leogrande, Fulvio Risso, Riccardo Sisto, Sushil Signgh
(6) On the cost of tunnel endpoint processing in overlay virtual networks
Jagath Weerasinghe and Francois Abel
(7) Effects of Virtualization on Network and Processor Performance using Open vSwitch and XenServer
Adnan Noor Mian, Ali Mamoon, Raees Khan and Ashiq Anjum
NV/SDN Papers: Afternoon Session II - 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
(8) Network Management in Cloud Computing for Public Administration: A Practical Use Case
Marco Alfano, Davide Michelino, Roberto Vela and Silvio Pardi
(9) Closing Remarks, Open Discussion, led by Workshop Organizers
Workshop Organizers:
Dr. Craig A. Lee, [email protected]
Senior Scientist, The Aerospace Corporation
Board Member, Open Grid Forum
David R. Bernstein, [email protected]
Managing Director, Cloud Strategy Partners, LLC
Founder/Chairman, IEEE P2302: Standard for Intercloud Interoperability and Federation
Chief Architect, IEEE Global Intercloud Testbed Project
Program Committee Members
This workshop will explore the fundamental concepts, design options, and challenges for managing cloud federations. Cloud federation involves all levels of the cloud system software stack, e.g., identity, resources, and applications. Across all of these areas, though, secure federation management is a key issue, i.e., how federations are initiated, how trust is established, how policies are decided and enforced, either unilaterally or jointly, etc. Effectively addressing these issues will entail not only an enormous amount of technical work, but also an enormous amount of cultural adaptation to fully realize the benefits of cloud federation.
There is an increasing awareness that cloud federation is a fundamental capability and necessary prerequisite to enabling the kind of global "inter-cloud" that many associate with being "in the cloud". The international scientific community has long recognized the need for federation management across operational grids. In 2011, the US Government Cloud Computing Technology Roadmap identified ten high-priority requirements for cloud computing, including "Frameworks to Support Federated Community Clouds", to manage interactions and collaborations across many different government agencies. Cloud federation across international boundaries has also been recognized, most notably for the secure, on-demand sharing of data for international disaster response efforts. Cloud federation will also enable a wide range of business-to-business interactions, such as supply chain management and even feature film production. Hence, participation from across all of these sectors is expected and encouraged.
Beyond paper presentations, the objective of this workshop is to engage technology producers, consumers, and funding agencies in realizing the future of cloud federation management.
The Workshop topics included in the CFP were:
· Federated Identity Management
· Federated Resource Management
· Identity Attribute Management
· Delegation of Trust
· Trust Federations
· Broker/Proxy Approaches
· Authorization Attribute Name Space Management
· Software-Defined Networks to support Cloud Fed Management
· Big Data Management in Federated Environments
· Mobile Federated Environments
· Testbeds and Experimental Results
· Federation Standards
· Governance and Regulatory Issues
· Adoption Challenges and Strategies
Accepted Papers and Schedule Information:
The Workshop will be held on "Day One" of UCC 2014 - Monday December 8
The Location will be the "Campanula Conference Room" at the Conference Venue
We are having a merged workshop day where we are combining the
Cloud Federation Management and Network Virtualization/SDN Workshops!
* Start/End times incl Keynotes, Lunch, and Coffee are synchronized with main conference *
CFM Papers: Morning Session I - 10:50 AM - 12:00 Noon
(0) Opening Remarks/Schedule/Logistics
Workshop Organizers
(1) A Design Space Review for General Federation Management Using Keystone
Craig Lee
(2) Federated Authentication and Credential Translation in the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure
Ahmed Shiraz Memon, Jens Jensen, Aleš Černivec, Krzysztof Benedyczak, Morris Riedel
CFM Papers: Morning Session II - 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM
(3) X.509 Authentication/Authorization in FermiCloud
Hyunwoo Kim, Steven Timm
(4) A Model for Accomplishing and Managing Dynamic Cloud Federations
Marco Fargetta, Salvatore Monforte, Giuseppe Andronico, Maurizio Paone, Massimo Villari
NV/SDN Papers: Afternoon Session I - 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
(5) Automatic Configuration of Opaque Network Functions in CMS”
Serena Spinoso, Marco Leogrande, Fulvio Risso, Riccardo Sisto, Sushil Signgh
(6) On the cost of tunnel endpoint processing in overlay virtual networks
Jagath Weerasinghe and Francois Abel
(7) Effects of Virtualization on Network and Processor Performance using Open vSwitch and XenServer
Adnan Noor Mian, Ali Mamoon, Raees Khan and Ashiq Anjum
NV/SDN Papers: Afternoon Session II - 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
(8) Network Management in Cloud Computing for Public Administration: A Practical Use Case
Marco Alfano, Davide Michelino, Roberto Vela and Silvio Pardi
(9) Closing Remarks, Open Discussion, led by Workshop Organizers
Workshop Organizers:
Dr. Craig A. Lee, [email protected]
Senior Scientist, The Aerospace Corporation
Board Member, Open Grid Forum
David R. Bernstein, [email protected]
Managing Director, Cloud Strategy Partners, LLC
Founder/Chairman, IEEE P2302: Standard for Intercloud Interoperability and Federation
Chief Architect, IEEE Global Intercloud Testbed Project
Program Committee Members
Giuseppe Andronico, INFN
David Bernstein, Cloud Strategy Partners Ryan Braby, U. Tennessee Knoxville David Chadwick, University of Kent Yuri Demchenko, Univ. Amsterdam Alvaro Lopez Garcia, CSIC IFCA Andrew Hughes, IEEE |
Jens Jensen, Rutherford Lab
Craig A. Lee, The Aerospace Corporation Stefano Nativi, CNR Italy Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, City U. London Omer Rana, Cardiff Univ. Wolfgang Zeigler, Fraunhofer SCAI Antonio Puliafito, University of Messina Massimo Villari, University of Messina |